My name is Amanda Toner and i am currently studying my Bachelor in Visual Arts and Design.
I was born in Napier, New Zealand and have lived here my whole life.
After i finish my degree, i plan to move to Wellington hopefully to take up an apprenticeship in tattooing.
I’d like to keep illustrating/painting on the side, but tattooing is so appealing to me because i can incorporate my illustrative styles into my tattoo designs.
I am a Vegan. I’m a huge animal lover and chose to stop eating meat when i was 12 years old, but i decided to go Vegan after 7 years of vegetarianism.
I try to live a compassionate life, so being environmentally friendly and sustainable is important to me.
I prefer traditional art to digital art, but sometimes i’ll get my WACOM tablet out and do some digital doodles.
I have a very strong attachment to pencils and indian ink. Ink my favorite media.
Please don’t ever try get me to make a piece of art in a metal or wood workshop. It won’t be any good.